
Chorus Administration


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Team Leader:

Kim Read


The team leader manages the business of the chorus. She schedules and manages regular management team meetings, keeps the chorus posted about relevant news, and works closely with the director.
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Communications Coordinator:

Barbara Bengtson


This member acts as Secretary for the chorus, maintaining all records. She records and shares Management Team meeting minutes and sends communications to other choruses and quartets to celebrate key events.
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Assistant Director :

Cathy Saunders


Cathy is our Assistant Director . She supports our Director and leads our visual team.
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Financial Coordinator:

Elsa Payne


This member is responsible for the finances of our chorus and serves as the treasurer. She collects monthly dues, pays our bills in a timely fashion, and handles all additional financial matters on our behalf.
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Membership Coordinator:

Chrissie Mancini


The membership coordinator organizes all aspects of new member recruitment and guides each prospective member through her first few rehearsals. She also facilitates communication between chorus members and the region and SAI regarding all membership issues.
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Marketing Coordinator:

Taylor Vandal


The Marketing Coordinator handles publicity and marketing for the chorus. She manages the chorus's media presence, coordinates branding, and helps promote the chorus in the community.
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Booking Inquiries:

Elizabeth Berman


This member handles all incoming inquiries about booking FVC for performances.
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Chrissie Mancini


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Laura Towles


This member handles overall website administration, but different chorus members manage specific areas of the website. It's a team effort.
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Music Team


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Assistant Director :

Cathy Saunders


Cathy is our Assistant Director . She supports our Director and leads our visual team.



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Booking Inquiries:

Elizabeth Berman


This member handles all incoming inquiries about booking FVC for performances.
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