Honour Roll

Pat Lary

You Are Awesome Award


Awarded to Pat Lary

Pat Lary, you are awesome!!! ??? Thank you so much for all you do to help spotlight our members and make them feel like the stars we know they are. ? We can’t wait until you have your own talk show!

You Are Awesome Award


Awarded to Laura Towles

You are AWESOME, Laura T.!!! ???
Farmington Valley Chorus has a special tradition to recognize a member who goes above and beyond—the FVC You are Awesome award. Last night, Laura T. was recognized for her hard work and dedication as our Virtual Rehearsal Virtuoso! ? We would not have made it through without her leadership, technological prowess, and ability to keep us all engaged, learning, and laughing online. Thank you, Laura!!!

Copyright © 2025 Farmington Valley Chorus