About Farmington Valley Chorus

The Farmington Valley Chorus (FVC) is a membership organization of female singers who meet regularly to practice, perform, socialize, and have fun. Currently there are about 45 singers in the chorus of diverse ages, backgrounds and professions who sing a cappella four-part harmony in the barbershop style. Membership consists of women stretched across most of Connecticut - New Haven County to Hartford County, the Litchfield Hills to the Farmington Valley towns - all searching for an opportunity to express themselves in harmony. We even have a few members from Western Massachusetts.
The main purpose of FVC, as a non-profit, educational organization, is to spread harmony in four-part, a capella, barbershop style. Performances include community events, charitable functions, fundraisers, summer festivities, an annual show, and regional competition. The chorus also performs singing telegrams for Valentine's Day and is available to sing at your next function or event, calendar permitting. If you're looking for a unique musical experience to enliven your event, please check out our Hire Us page.

In addition to sharing our music with others, another great passion of FVC is learning more about the art of a cappella singing. Vocal instruction is a regular part of chorus rehearsals and a very important component of the chorus experience. A few of times each year, the chorus hires a coach - a visiting master in the art of barbershop-style singing - who teaches us many fabulous tricks of the trade for enhancing our performances.

In the spring of each year, Farmington Valley Chorus participates in the Region 1 chorus competition in Springfield, MA. Competition is a special time for quartets and choruses from Region 1 to bond, present their songs to the audience, and receive constructive feedback from a panel of judges in four categories: sound, expression, music, and showmanship. The winners of the regional competition in both quartet and chorus categories receive an opportunity to travel to the Sweet Adelines International Competition, which is held in the fall in a city selected each year by an international panel. FVC earned a wildcard spot and competed in the International Competition in September 2022 in Phoenix, Arizona. In May 2023, FVC won both the AA chorus and Overall Chorus Champions titles and will represent North Atlantic Region 1 in International Competition in fall 2024 in Kansas City, Missouri

Farmington Valley Chorus is so proud of Twilight, made up of four FVC members. They made their debut just after our 2022 Holiday Show and had a great time competing in the Region 1 Quartet competition in May 2023. We are excited to cheer them on as they continue their quartet journey. 
The Farmington Valley Chorus is a chapter of Sweet Adelines International, a non-profit, educational organization of approximately 21,000 members globally. Sweet Adelines is one of the world's largest singing organizations for women, with more than 1,000 registered quartets, 500 choruses, and chartered chapters, including 11 international countries and most of the United States. Sweet Adelines International was founded on July 13, 1945 in Tulsa, OK, and is administered by a professional staff, offering a wide range of programs and services. Farmington Valley Chorus is just one of the many chapters and is a member of Region 1.
Copyright © 2025 Farmington Valley Chorus